Tigers Eye Pinky Ring Size 4.75 Naga Land Tibet Sacred Stones Amulet Review

Tigers Eye Pinky Ring Size 4.75 Naga Land Tibet Sacred Stones Amulet Feature
- One Of A Kind Unusual & Exotic Gift Protection Amulet
- Chakra Balancing Protection From Negative Influences
- Native Tibetan Golden Tigers Eye Sterling Silver Ring Pinky Ring
- Wear to Support Free Tibet & Nepal
- Ring Size 4.75 TantricBuddhistRelics ***** Rating
Pinky Ring for ring size 8 women. From the roof of the world. The most mysterious & mystical place of legend! The ultimate conversation piece for you. Traditional craft passed down the centuries, precious materials & sacred stones woven into a magical spell. A sacred keepsake for your spiritual journey. Native crafts help support Nepalese & Tibetan refugees. Reiki Tummo energy blessing added for health & happiness.
Healing stones, crystals & gemstones come from Mother Earth. Created from the magma or Earth's inner core, healing stones have gone through a geologic process of heating, cooling & displacement on their way to their present form.
The energy field of different gemstones is influenced by geometrical form, color & subtle vibration. Each stone is made up of minute crystals in constant motion thus emitting an energy frequency. The gemstone's color also plays a dynamic role in the stone's healing energy. The play of light & color can stimulate, calm, purify & heal.
A magical & symbiotic connection has always existed between human beings & gems. Gemstones used for healing has been found as far back as the 4th millennium before Christ. Ancient civilizations such as the Chinese, Egyptians, Sumerians, Greeks, Romans, Shamans & Medicine Men used gemstones for healing in many ways - made into powders or elixirs, worn, carried or placed on the body & in ceremonies & rituals. This ancient knowledge has been passed down to our day with the emerging popularity of holistic health & healing.
An amulet is an object that protects a person from trouble, consists of any object intended to bring good luck & protection to its owner. Amulets include: gems, especially engraved gems, statues, coins, drawings, pendants, rings, plants, animals, words. Dakini Designed Amulet for Protection from negative influences.
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